17th Sunday after Pentecost
Prayers for
Reconciliation and Healing
September 11, 2016
Order of Worship and Bulletin (link)

The phrase “September 11” tends to conjure images of despair and brokenness. The day itself has cemented feelings of division and separation in too many hearts. We will spend this morning in consideration of the challenges we face as individuals, a Christian community, and an interfaith culture aching for unity and compassion.
For those who worship with us regularly, our service this morning will include all the familiar elements with an enhanced time of prayer for reconciliation and healing, led by the Pastor and the director of our Center for Counseling and Healing, the Rev. Linda C. Smith. Pastor Dave Denoon will read a brief meditation by Fr. Richard Rohr entitled, “Welcoming Prayer,” inviting worshipers to find healing in God as they endeavor to find relief in the Holy from the pain of their lives.
Special music is provided by the duo of Steve Schenkel and Deborah Sharn, whose wide-ranging spiritual repertoire includes songs by such artists as Stephen Curtis Chapman and Bruce Springsteen.