Whether you would like to make a payment toward your pledge, make a new pledge, send a Memorial / In Honor of Donation (we will send a card), or contribute to a specific fund, donating online couldn’t be easier!

You have the option to make an ACH transfer from your checking account, or you can use a debit or credit card.

See the fund descriptions that are listed below the pledge form. Use the form at the right to select a fund from the drop down menu.

Funds of First Church

Benevolence – Giving  – Every year members and friends of the church participate in an annual benevolence giving campaign, usually in the form of an auction. Proceeds made are distributed among our Faith Partners. Faith Partners are nonprofit organizations that support a variety of community needs such as food, shelter, counseling, and assistance.

Chicago United Eden – This offering supports the work of the three seminaries, Chicago Theological Seminary, United Theological Seminary in Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Eden Theological Seminary in Webster Groves, Missouri. Supporting these seminaries helps prepare leaders who will serve congregations and communities around the world.  The offering is collected the last Sunday in February.

Christmas/Veterans of the Cross – Collected the Sunday before Christmas, this fund provides assistance to those who serve the church and are facing financial difficulties.  Active and retired clergy, lay employees, and their surviving spouses may be eligible for help from this fund.

Church General Offering – This fund is used for administrative and support services of the church.

Emergency Food Fund – First Church reaches out to help alleviate hunger in the St. Louis area. We stock a food pantry, make sandwiches for distribution to the homeless and provide urgent food aid to those who come to us in need.

Flower Fund – Money contributed to this fund provides flowers for worship during Advent and Easter.  Flowers for other special observances can also be funded through a donation to this fund.

Memorial Fund – From time to time contributions are made to this fund to celebrate special achievements, to honor individuals or to sympathetically acknowledge the passing someone’s passing.

The Ministry of Imagination, Creativity, and the Arts (MICA) – MICA creates and presents special programs at First Church.  MICA provides opportunities that illuminate faith through innovative arts. Contributions to this fund enhance these endeavors.

Minister’s Fund –  Administered by the Pastor, this fund is used to meet special needs for members and individuals in our community who require assistance for a short time.  Needs and requests vary, hence use of these funds relies on the judgment of the Pastor.

Special Music Fund – From time to time individuals wish to make contributions to provide special music opportunities at First Congregational Church.  Money for that purpose can be contributed to this fund.

Neighbors in Need – Collected on the first Sunday of October, World Communion Sunday, this offering supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States, including the Council for American Indian Ministries, justice and advocacy, and direct service projects supported by Justice and Local Church Ministries.

One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) – This offering if collected on the Fourth Sunday of Lent.  The monies contributed are used for international programs administered by Church World Service for health, education, agricultural development, emergency relief, refugee ministries. Donations to OGHS at other times of the year are used to respond to international and domestic disasters.]

Strengthen the Church – This offering is collected on Pentecost Sunday.  The money is used to support youth ministries, full-time leaders for new churches in parts of the country where the UCC does not have a strong presence, and new initiatives by existing churches.