Meet Debbie Tolstoi!
We welcome to our staff new Office Administrator Debra “Debbie” Tolstoi.
Debbie has worked in the past as the administrative assistant at Christ Church, United Church of Christ, in Maplewood. But for the past few years she has run her own web design and marketing business, Tolstoi Designs. Not inclined to work only in an environment by herself, even though her terrier Buddy has been by her side, Debbie decided to apply for our Office Administrator position when she saw it posted in the Webster-Kirkwood Times.
Debbie is a graduate of Parkway Central High School, studied for at Maryville College (which the University was, then), and graduated from Webster University with a degree in Management and an emphasis in Marketing, receiving departmental honors.
She lives in Richmond Heights with Buddy “the bad thing” (at least to rabbits, who rarely survive an excursion in her back yard). She enjoys gardening and is past president of the Richmond Heights Garden Club.
Debbie will be keeping office hours, Mondays through Thursdays, from 9AM to 3PM. So, if you want to stop in and say Hello during those times, please do.
Welcome, Debbie!