Spiritual Life

“We envision a spiritually alive, Christ-centered community seeking to be transformed by God’s grace.

We envision a church of committed disciples engaged in evangelism and generous acts of love and compassion.” (Our Vision Statement)


Our spirituality, as members of the First Congregational Church, is continually nurtured through God’s abundant grace and eternal love made known to us through the life of Christ and the ongoing activity of the Holy Spirit.

As a member church of the United Church of Christ (UCC), our congregation celebrates two sacraments, Baptism and Holy Communion*. The rite of Confirmation and the covenants of church membership and marriage further provide opportunities for spiritual formation. Through the life and work of our Open and Affirming congregation, we pray that God’s Word and ways will provide spiritual guidance and hope for all who long for peace and promise, meaning and direction, priority and purpose, and love and forgiveness, in a world that includes hurt and hope, order and chaos, majesty and mystery, along with wonder and tragedy.

Thus, we hope and pray that our worship and sacraments, Sunday School and youth programs, adult education and social issues forums, friendships and groups, and our mission support and outreach projects all work together to stimulate, sustain, deepen and direct a spiritual harvest that inspires and guides us as followers of the One we claim and proclaim as Christ.

*Holy Communion is celebrated monthly on first Sundays, and occasionally on holidays – especially Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. Baptisms are performed usually in worship services, at the request of a family desiring their children to be initiated into the church in this way. Youth or adults who have not yet been baptized and who desire to join our faith community are encouraged to contact Pastor Dave Denoon about being baptized. (Return)